FOTO: Streľba na škole v USA, polícia útočníka zastrelila

Shooting on the Florida State Universaity campus in Tallahassee
Tallahassee police investigate the scene of a shooting outside the Strozier library on the Florida State University campus in Tallahassee, Fla. Thursday Nov 20, 2014. Officers shot and killed the suspected gunman police said. It has been confirmed by authorities that the body in this image is that of the dead gunman. There were no other fatalities in the shooting. (AP Photo/Mark Wallheiser)

Troch ľudí postrelil v stredu večer útočník vo floridskej štátnej univerzite v meste Tallahassee.

Privolaná polícia muža zastrelila potom, čo zaútočil aj na policajtov. Ako informoval policajný hovorca Dave Northway, incident sa stal v univerzitnej knižnici a viedol k uzavretiu celého objektu nachádzajúceho sa v internátnej časti areálu. Podľa svedkov strelec, ktorého nemenovali, vošiel do jednej z miestností knižnice a začal strieľať. Motív jeho konania zatiaľ nie je známy.

Florida State Shooting
Police investigate a shooting at Strozier Library on Florida State campus on Thursday, Nov. 20, 2014, in Tallahassee, Fla. (AP Photo/Steve Cannon)
Florida State Shooting
Police investigate a shooting scene at Strozier Library on Florida State campus on Thursday, Nov. 20, 2014, in Tallahassee, Fla. At least two people are being treated for injuries Thursday after a shooting at Florida State University, and officials issued an alert for students to take shelter as officers converged on the campus library. (AP Photo/Steve Cannon)
Florida State Shooting
A group of students call their friends still locked down in Strozier Library, background, after a shooting on Thursday, Nov. 20, 2014, in Tallahassee, Fla. (AP Photo/Steve Cannon)
Shooting on the Florida State Universaity campus in Tallahassee
Tallahassee police investigate a shooting outside the Strozier library on the Florida State University campus in Tallahassee, Fla. Thursday Nov 20, 2014. The gunman was shot and killed by police officers according to Tallahassee Police spokesman Dave Northway. (AP Photo/Mark Wallheiser)

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