VIDEO: Na havajské mesto Pahoa sa valí sopečná láva!

Hawaii Volcano
In this Oct. 24, 2014 photo from the U.S. Geological Survey, the lava flow from Kilauea Volcano that began June 27 is seen as it crossed Apa?a Street near Cemetery Road near the town of Pahoa on the Big Island of Hawaii. Hawaii authorities on Saturday told several dozen residents near the active lava flow to prepare for a possible evacuation in the next three to five days as molten rock oozed across the country road and edged closer to homes. The USGS says the flow is currently about 160 to 230 feet (50 to 70 meters) wide and moving northeast at about 10 yards (nine meters) per hour. It's currently about six-tenths of a mile (one kilometer) from Pahoa Village Road, the town's main street. (AP Photo/U.S. Geological Survey)

Láva vytekajúca z havajskej sopky Kilauea sa blíži k mestečku Pahoa a nachádza sa už len asi 100 metrov od obývanej oblasti. Úrady vyzvali ľudí, aby sa pripravili na evakuáciu, ktorá by sa mohla začať už v utorok. Vydali tiež varovanie pred dymom.

Láva sa k mestečku blížila rýchlosťou až 15 metrov za hodinu, v posledných hodinách sa však jej rýchlosť značne znížila a umožnila tak viac času na prípravy na evakuáciu. Uzavrieť už museli dve cesty a Červený kríž zriadil pri obci krízové centrum.

Hawaii Volcano
This Oct. 25, 2014 photo provided by the U.S. Geological Survey shows a Hawaii Volcano Observatory geologist standing on a partly cooled section of lava flow near the town of Pahoa on the Big Island of Hawaii. Note the thin red horizontal line of molten lava visible along the bottom third of the photo. The flow here is about one meter (three feet) thick, but slightly farther upslope where the lava has had more time to inflate the thickness was closer to two meters. Dozens of residents in this rural area of Hawaii were placed on alert as flowing lava continued to advance. Authorities on Sunday, Oct. 26, 2014 said lava had advanced about 250 yards since Saturday morning and was moving at the rate of about 10 to 15 yards an hour, consistent with its advancement in recent days. The flow front passed through a predominantly Buddhist cemetery, covering grave sites in the mostly rural region of Puna, and was roughly a half-mile from Pahoa Village Road, the main street of Pahoa. (AP Photo/U.S. Geological Survey)

Vulkán Kilauea chrlí lávu už od 27. júna a len od soboty sa k mestečku priblížila o asi 270 metrov. Cez víkend zaliala miestny cintorín. Pahoa je historické mestečko s asi 800 obyvateľmi ležiace na havajskom Veľkom ostrove. Kilauea je relatívne mladá sopka, no patrí medzi najaktívnejšie na svete.

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