NAŽIVO: V centre Sydney ozbrojenec zadržiava rukojemníkov! Pozri si video a fotky!

APTOPIX Australia Police Operation
A hostage runs to armed tactical response police officers for safety after she escaped from a cafe under siege at Martin Place in the central business district of Sydney, Australia, Monday, Dec. 15, 2014. New South Wales state police would not say what was happening inside the cafe or whether hostages were being held. But television footage shot through the cafe's windows showed several people with their arms in the air. (AP Photo/Rob Griffith)

Centrum austrálskeho Sydney sa v pondelok stalo dejiskom rukojemníckej drámy, keď ozbrojený muž zadržal zatiaľ neznámy počet rukojemníkov v jednej z kaviarní.

Na mieste zasahujú stovky policajtov, okolité ulice uzavreli a úrady v oblasti vyhlásili evakuáciu.

Australia Police Operation
This image taken from video show people holding up what appeared to be a black flag with white Arabic writing on it, inside a cafe in Sydney, Australia Monday, Dec. 15, 2014. An apparent hostage situation was unfolding inside the chocolate shop and cafe in Australia's largest city on Monday, where several people could be seen through a window with their hands held in the air. (AP Photo/Channel 7 vide AP Video) AUSTRALIA OUT

Ozbrojenec vstúpil do kaviarne v čase miestnej rannej špičky pred viac ako šiestimi hodinami, podľa predstaviteľky polície štátu Nový Južný Wales Catherine Burnovej však zatiaľ nie sú žiadne náznaky, že by niekto utrpel zranenia.

Australia Police Operation
A hostage fleeing from a cafe under siege runs towards an armed tactical response police officer at Martin Place in the central business district of Sydney, Australia, Monday, Dec. 15, 2014. New South Wales state police would not say what was happening inside the cafe or whether hostages were being held. But television footage shot through the cafe's windows showed several people with their arms in the air. (AP Photo/Rob Griffith)

V podniku bolo vidieť dvoch ľudí, ako držia čiernu vlajku, ktorej súčasťou je údajne vyznanie moslimskej viery. Trom osobám sa podarilo utiecť cez únikový východ, pričom nebolo jasné, či boli takisto rukojemníkmi alebo sa predtým zdržiavali v iných častiach budovy.

APTOPIX Australia Police Operation
A hostage runs to armed tactical response police officers for safety after she escaped from a cafe under siege at Martin Place in the central business district of Sydney, Australia, Monday, Dec. 15, 2014. New South Wales state police would not say what was happening inside the cafe or whether hostages were being held. But television footage shot through the cafe's windows showed several people with their arms in the air. (AP Photo/Rob Griffith)
Australia Police Operation
Armed police officers point as they stand at the ready close to a cafe under siege at Martin Place in Sydney, Australia, Monday, Dec. 15, 2014. A gunman took an unknown number of people hostage inside a downtown Sydney chocolate shop and cafe at the height of Monday morning rush hour, with two people inside the cafe seen holding up a flag believed to contain an Islamic declaration of faith. (AP Photo/Rob Griffith)

V blízkosti kaviarne sa nachádza kancelária štátneho premiéra a sídla niekoľkých významných bánk. Štátny parlament je od miesta vzdialený niekoľko blokov.

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