British rock musician Pete Doherty in the role of Octave during filming of the movie ‚ Confession of a Child of the Century‘ , directed by Sylvie Verheyde and based on Alfred de Musset’s novel, in Suenching near Regensburg, Germany, Thursday March 10, 2011. Police say rocker Pete Doherty is suspected of involvement in a break-in at a record shop in southern Germany during which a guitar and a record were stolen. The break-in in Regensburg happened in the early hours of Tuesday. Police in Regensburg said Friday March 11, 2011 that a witness reported that one of the three people involved was the 31-year-old Briton, who was in the city to work on the film. (AP Photo/dapd/ Lennart Preiss)
British musician Pete Doherty, lead singer of Babyshambles, performs a one-off show in their hometown at the Camden Roundhouse in north London, Monday, March 10, 2014. (Photo by Joel Ryan/Invision/AP Images)
Anglický hudobník Pete Doherty poèas koncertu v Bratislave. Bratislava, 25. jún 2013. Foto: SITA/Jozef Jakubèo