Ak si myslíš, že starších ľudí móda nezaujíma, si na omyle. Dôkazom sú tieto fotky z celého sveta, ktoré ukazujú, že aj ľudia nad 60 rokov majú zmysel pre štýl.
Títo dôchodcovia sa obliekajú štýlovejšie ako ty!
Zdroj: If you think that fashion is a young man's game then take a look at these pictures to see how wrong you are. They're part of a series called "Advanced Style: Older and Wiser" and the man behind the camera is Ari Seth Cohen. The photographer travelled the world, visiting countries including South Africa, Sweden, Italy and Australia, in order to prove that style has nothing to do with age and everything to do with attitude. All of his subjects are 60+ years of age, but we're sure you'll agree that it isn't their years that these photographs highlight but their impeccable sense of style., © NAJKY.sk, iDen Media s.r.o
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