Police carry equipment near a road block outside a house where eight children have been found dead in the Cairns suburb of Manoora, Australia, Friday Dec. 19, 2014. Police said when they got to the house, they found the bodies of the children inside the home. The victims range in age from 18 months to 15 years.(AP Photo/Graeme Bint)
Podľa jej údajov bodné zranenia utrpela aj 34-ročná žena, ktorú previezli do nemocnice, avšak jej stav je už stabilizovaný. Detaily o incidente a vzťahu ženy k deťom, ktoré mali od 18 mesiacov do 15 rokov, nie sú zatiaľ známe.
Forensic police arrive at a house where eight children have been found dead in a Cairns suburb in far north Queensland, Australia, Friday, Dec. 19, 2014. Eight dead children and a woman suffering from stab wounds were found inside a home in a northern Australian city on Friday, police said. Queensland state police said they were called to the home in the Cairns suburb of Manoora on Friday morning after receiving a report of a woman with serious injuries. (AP Photo/Graeme Bint)
Správy austrálskych médií uvádzajú, že deti boli dobodané na smrť, polícia to ale zatiaľ nepotvrdila. Austrálsky premiér Tony Abbott udalosť označil za „nevýslovný zločin“.
Locals sit on the sidewalk near a house police have blocked off as a crime scene where eight children have been found dead in the Cairns suburb of Manoora, Australia, Friday Dec. 19, 2014. Police said when they got to the house, they found the bodies of the children inside the home. The victims range in age from 18 months to 15 years.(AP Photo/Graeme Bint)
Miesto činu a jeho okolie na predmestí Manoora polícia uzavrela a momentálne ho prehľadávajú detektívi. O príčinách krvavej tragédie v meste na severovýchodnom pobreží Austrálie zatiaľ nie sú známe žiadne ďalšie podrobnosti.
Locals sit on the sidewalk near a house police have blocked off as a crime scene where eight children have been found dead in the Cairns suburb of Manoora, Australia, Friday Dec. 19, 2014. Police said when they got to the house, they found the bodies of the children inside the home. The victims range in age from 18 months to 15 years.(AP Photo/Graeme Bint)
Austrália je v tomto období v stave zvýšenej pohotovosti po tom, čo ozbrojený muž zajal v pondelok v kaviarni Sydney 17 rukojemníkov, z ktorých dvaja zahynuli.