Justin Bieber má nové tetovanie! Pozri, čo si dal rozmaznaný spevák, ktorý sa snaží vyzerať drsne, vytetovať tentokrát

People-Justin Bieber
FILE - This March 19, 2013 file photo shows Canadian singer Justin Bieber performing during a concert at Bercy arena in Paris. The Los Angeles Sheriff's Department says it is searching Justin Bieber's home for evidence in an egg-tossing vandalism case involving the pop star. Sheriff's spokesman Steve Whitmore says Bieber is at the home and is being cooperative with detectives. The singer is under investigation for allegedly throwing eggs at a neighbor's home on Thursday, Jan 9. Whitmore says the search warrant is for a possible felony case because the damage to the neighbor's home exceeded $400. (AP Photo/Francois Mori, file)

Do Justinovej zbierky tetovaní pribudlo dievčatko s balónikom – fakt mužné!

Justin Bieber má na svojom tele už viac ako dvadsať tetovaní a tento raz k nim pribudlo niečo, čo by si asi na telo dal navždy nakresliť len málokto z nás.


Samozrejme, Justin fotku svojho nového prírastku zavesil na Twitter, no neskôr ju vymazal… Ktovie prečo?

Tetovanie je inšpirované slávnym pouličným umelcom menom Banksy.


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